Top 5 Motivations to do a Mitzvah

Dec 16, 2019

It doesn’t matter how you view yourself, the world or your Judaism. If you’re Jewish, a single mitzvah (positive Jewish deed) is meaningful and rewarding. We’ve compiled our top five motivations to do another mitzvah, and some will totally shift your thinking.

1. The King and I. Judaism is fundamentally a relationship between us and Hashem (G-d). In a good relationship, you try to do what the other would appreciate. What does Hashem want? Another mitzvah. Do one, and you strengthen your bond with the Ultimate Being.

2. Feel-good Judaism. You’ll feel good after you do a mitzvah. That’s just how it works. Being Jewish means your soul is part of Hashem. All it wants is to feel that connection. Whenever you do a mitzvah, your soul’s satisfaction spills over into a real feel-good experience.

3. Be Better. Mitzvos are designed to cultivate us into better, more sensitive and refined people. Saying no to you-know-what and eggs in the morning improves our self-control. Giving a coin to a needy person cultivates kindness. Blessing Hashem (G-d) before we eat ingrains gratitude. A mitzvah simply makes us a better human.

4. Live Mindfully. Mindfulness is in. For Jews, it’s not just a millennial fad, it’s how we’ve lived for millennia. Every mitzvah offers a chance to become mindful of life’s meaning. Mindful eating, mindful meditation, mindful relaxation- we’ve already got those in the kosher diet, prayer and Shabbos.

5. Perfect World. The end-goal of Judaism is the era of Moshiach. In the era of Moshiach, negative energy, conflict and illness will dissipate in the face of positivity and Divine awareness. Every person will feel inspired, connected and aware. Hashem will be the buzz word and His Torah the moral compass. Each mitzvah we do brings the entire world a step closer to this incredible time. We pray that it happens without delay!

There is no time like the present. Pick one mitzvah that resonates with you and try it. Every successful journey begins with a single step. Browse the Azoi guides to learn how to do the next mitzvah and reap its benefits. If you haven’t yet downloaded the Azoi app, download it free on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Enjoy the journey!